The city of Curitiba has approximately 1.74 million inhabitants and a long history of planning for sustainable development. The city aims at transitioning to a low-carbon transport system in line with its historic legacy of sustainability. By law, Curitiba has to follow a strategic plan which is revised every 10 years. At present, this includes the development of information and communication technologies, and a climate action plan. Innovative solutions for urban transport and mobility shall also address sustainability goals as per stated in the global agenda (i.e. SDGs, UNFCCC, HABITAT III, Paris Agreement.
Curitiba has developed and implemented urban concepts that shape the city landscape. These include the creation of mass transport corridors, densification of land-use along the corridors, and mobility solutions using the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system. Still, there is reason to rethink the urban evolution in face of technological developments such as smart grids and electro-mobility; environmental requirements such as reduced footprint and greenhouse gas emissions; and social demands for urban safety, comfort and life quality. In addition, digitalization opens opportunities for new systems solution, data sharing and service provision that can reshape planning and urban functions.
The Project Smart City Concepts – low carbon transport in a digital society is conceived within the framework of innovation agendas in Sweden and Brazil, as well as Curitiba’s plan for sustainable development. Curitiba aims at becoming a leader among the most innovative cities of the world. In this context, it is important to look into the dynamic interplay among different systems within the city and the new opportunities that technological innovation are opening.
The municipality of Curitiba is putting together efforts to create a framework for technological innovation, investments, and sustainable development. The Project supports the overarching sustainability goals of the municipal government and brings technological system innovation to the forefront as a way to enhance planning capabilities and the quality of services provided.
The Swedish and Brazilian cooperation in Curitiba dates from 2013. In an initial project, the partners created a triple-helix collaboration platform that served to evaluate multiple dimensions of electro-mobility for public transport (i.e new power trains, connectivity) and contributed to the city adopting a policy of open data. The present project builds upon the lessons learnt and the collaborative platform created to explore smart and sustainable mobility pathways based on low-carbon transport and the integration of digital systems in planning.
To know more about Curitiba https://www.curitiba.pr.gov.br/
To know more about the Swedish Brazilian cooperation in Curitiba, visit the website of our previous project.